The Eur Asian Border Lab Summer School 2025 in Kyrgyzstan is currently accepting applications. This summer school in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, is fully funded. This Summer School in Kyrgyzstan is open to applicants from all around the world. The Border Lab Summer School lasts for five days. Postdocs, PhD candidates, MA students, advanced undergraduates, and early-stage researchers and intellectuals are all eligible to apply for the program. The American University of Central Asia (AUCA) and the Eur-Asian Border Lab are funding this summer school. The participants’ airfare, lodging, and meals are all covered.
There will be about 20 applications from various academic subjects, geographical locations, and backgrounds. The application fee is free. Below are more specifics regarding the Summer School, the Goal, and the advantages.
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Information Regarding Kyrgyzstan’s 2025 Eur Asian Border Lab Summer School
- Country of Host: Kyrgyzstan
- Where: Bishkek
- Summer Course Dates: June 2–6, 2025
- Time frame: 5 days
- Advantages: Completely financed
- Due date: January 5, 2025
The Summer School’s Goal
Experts who have worked on borders in Central Asia and beyond will come together for the Border Lab Summer School to talk about some of the newest approaches and findings in border studies.
By bringing together scholars from different areas and specialities within border studies, the aim is to promote cooperation and idea sharing.
Economic Gains
The Program Addresses:
- Accommodations for Round-Trip Travel Reimbursement
- Meals
- Field Visits
- Candidates may apply from any country in the world.
- On an individual basis, advanced undergraduates and MA students may be taken into consideration.
- Early-stage academics working on border-related subjects include PhD candidates, postdocs, and other researchers in the humanities and social sciences.
- Proficiency in advanced English is necessary.
Documents Needed
- CV, or curriculum vitae
- Motivational Statement:
- Give an explanation of why you wish to attend the summer school.
- Explain the work-in-progress that you intend to present to the program.
- Describe your areas of interest in border studies research.
- Word Limit: a maximum of 1000 words
The Eur Asian Border Lab Summer School 2025: How Do I Apply?
Candidates must use the online application portal to submit their applications. Below is a link to the official webpage.
Apply Here: